TagIt’s Shit Like This Feminists

MISANDRY – The form the backlash is taking – feminists trying to “colonize” men’s issues and failing miserably because they don’t even know what they are


For about a year or so the backlash against the men’s movement has taken the form of questioning the need for a men’s movement by insisting that feminism already does everything the men’s movement says it wants. We see crap like this: Amanda Marcotte’s insultingly witless attempt, Lindy West’s pathetically witless attempt – pathetic because I really think the poor dear imagines she is talking to...

SLY INVERSIONS – Prostitution and Rape Culture


The State of Washington defines prostitution: RCW 9A.88.030 Prostitution. (1) A person is guilty of prostitution if such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. (2) For purposes of this section, “sexual conduct” means “sexual intercourse” or “sexual contact,” both as defined in chapter 9A.44 RCW...

FEMALE PRIVILEGE – Gendering Class, Part III – Untouchability


Untouchability is a feature of several unrelated societies in which certain groups are singled out for exclusion in very concrete ways. Thwe wiki on untouchability lists these features of the status: Prohibition from eating with other caste member  Provision of separate glasses for Dalits in village tea stalls Discriminatory seating arrangements and separate  utensils in restaurants Segregation...

FEMININITIES –Toxic Femininity


The dose makes the poison.
One of the very useful memes that has come out of the gender discourse in the last few years is a discussion of “toxic masculinity” or the traditional masculinity that teaches little boys to make themselves disposable for the sake of women, as distinct from an earlier demonization of “macho pigs” and masculinity in general.…

THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA – “Female” as a slur


Believe it or not…… Did you know that “female” is now considered a misogynistic slur in some quarters? Oh yes, and you are a woman-hating oppressor if you don’t fall into line. There several kinds of dysfunction on display in this one: First there is the appropriation of opprobrium over genuinely offensive and more to the point, actually dangerous terms such as “nigger’ or “faggot” that have a...

Mary Koss: The Corruption Continues Manboobz Style


by Tamen Sometimes I do futile things – like posting a comment on Manboobz (this time on some quotes about rape and consent from Farrell’s 1993 book The Myth of Male Power.) I posted the link to the Mary P Koss paper where she calls it inappropriate to call men rape victims unless they have been penetrated as a example of other crappy things about rape that were published in 1993...

MALE DISPOSABILITY – Erasing male rape victims, Part II – Tamen evaluates a British and a Norwegian study on rape victims and finds invalidating methodological errors


Typhonblue asked Tamen about a British study of crime, the CESW, especially about the rape statistics:
“I looked at the source documents. Is the reason why there is such a low rate of men reporting “serious sexual assault” in both the alternative and current questionnaires?”…

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