Greetings Badgers, I discovered your show a few months back and I love you guys and have been listening almost non stop for said months now. You guys have brought me joy, anger and frustration, and Alison’s passionate speeches have moved me to tears, at my workplace where I weld, suffer high risks of death from explosions, poisoning, crushing, falling, burning, impalement, and where I flip...
War on victims of female perpetrators goes back to college
For decades now, feminists have been promoting a male-demonizing narrative on sexual violence using statistics produced by deliberately biased research methods. Legislated changes based on that bias, dictating how American institutions of higher education approach allegations of sexual misconduct on campus, have sparked widespread controversy and reawakened existing criticism of that narrative...
Feminists Wrong About Porn Users.
Last month, I did an article on the claim that watching porn makes you a feminist. This led to a research paper that actually tested the assumption “If watching porn makes you a misogynist” as supported by most feminist researchers. The studied showed that those who watch porn are more likely to have favorable viewpoints towards feminist topics, and in some cases more so than non-porn...
Does Watching Porn Make You Feminist?
In the news lately, there have been many reports on a study that states that those who watch porn hold feminist views. This is rather controversial, as many feminist studies in the past have stated that watching porn makes you misogynist. The prevailing feminist narrative is that if you watch porn, you hate women and can only see them as things to own and objectify, having no respect for them in...
Rolling Stone has a journalistic ethics problem. Does their editorial staff want to fix it?
Mistakes happen. Learning from them is one of the ways we become better at the things we do. Most people strive for that, struggling every day to improve their work.
Some, however, choose instead to cultivate and build upon their blunders, spreading their ignominy around, much like a toddler finger painting on the wall with the contents of her recently filled diaper.…
To the abusive claim that Men’s Rights Activists don’t do anything but complain on the internet
One of the more common abusive, bullying tactics of feminists is to claim that MRAs only complain on the internet and don’t actually do things to help people. This is an abusive lie on multiple axes, and looks like an attempt to change the subject from feminist lies about rape, feminist lies about sexual assault, feminist lies about child abuse, feminist lies about fathers, and feminist...
Manspreading In All the Wrong Places
So Manspreading has been in the news recently. Two men in New York were arrested for spreading their legs on a subway. It sounds stupid when you say it out loud, yet, it is true. Before we discuss what happened to these men, we need to understand what is manspreading and the controversy behind it.…
Feminists Earn Merit Badge of Misandry
On May 9th, I wrote about an effort by Dan Perrins to draw attention to issues of male suicide, and male victims of abuse. His 75 mile walk and his hunger strike served to both spread that awareness, and pressure Ontario politicians to consider these issues.…
#gamergate cooties
The social justice warriors of the anti-gamergate mob have spent much of the last year exploiting any hint of victim status they could for attention and financial gain, from simply being offended over things they could avoid to the pain of other people’s still-unfolding tragedies.…
Men “objectifying” themselves, loving it the whole time … and a social critic who hasn’t a clue.
Mark Simpson has a great article up at OUT about male sports stars strutting their loveliness for their adoring audiences, and guess what? They love it! They find it a source of power! How can that be? We all know that looking at someone’s body is teh heinous!!…
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