So the fate of the United States has been decided. Donald J. Trump is now President-Elect until Obama passes the reins this January, when Trump will assume the role of president. So where do we go from here? Well, I feel we should finish things with Clinton up in a little bow, preferably a chained one.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 21: Praise Unto the Golden LOLCow
Well this is gonna be fun, a piece on Clinton. How can I touch upon this specifically? Do I do the recent issues with her emails? Nah- too easy. Do I attack her shit work as Secretary of State or Senator to New York? Mmmmm, tempting but no. I’m gonna dig into something that is a set up for a future article I have planned.…
Hillary Clinton’s exposure reveals a disturbing inequality between the sexes
In 2014 a sex scandal exposed unethical collusion between games media and games industry connections, along with corruption within both the media and the industry itself, including fixed competitions, censorship, and an invasion by political factions bent on forcing their outlook on the industry’s consumers.…
Feminists Inject Shame Into Male Contraception
Leave it to the serious issue of Male Contraceptives for Feminist to turn the issue into a “We are better than men because…”, despite not looking into the issue further.
A recent study was released to the public of a trial which was done between 2008 and 2012.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 19: Something Spooky This Way Comes! Anita, You’re The Creeper!
Well, for once I’m starting to get ahead of some of the commentators. Sadly this means I have to watch a Feminist Frequency video straight up… Ok, UBlock is on…. my references are on my second monitor. Let’s get going and Hammer this in!…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 18: Alright Kotaku, its your turn! Smack the #HipOfBabylon!
I’m going to be straight up on this, I’ve been dealing in matters of #GamerGate since a week before my son was born, so since early September 2014. The way I found out about it is because I was introduced to MundaneMatt via ReviewTechUSA. Feel how you will about those two channels but I’m setting the stage of how I’m approaching this article; as someone who has been...
Is the Media Biased for or against men’s rights issues?
Many anti-feminists and (single issue or broad strokes) men’s rights activists consider the mainstream media to be biased against their causes. Coverage of issues predominantly affecting men are often carried out from a pro-feminist angle or derided altogether.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 16: Who Likes Big Butts and Can Not Lie?
Well, here we are again, dealing with the insanity that is Feminist Frequency. Most of you have already watched the episode done on this: XxFirermahgerdden the Rezerkening 420YOLOSWAG Chat 43.69xX: OVER 9000 BODY TYPES! I am going to approach this in ways not approached during the show.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 15: Cosplay is not Consent? Then Why Did You Jump On Me?
So since the past few years have seen a lot of signs talking about cosplay, slut shaming, and groping at various geek culture conventions. I couldn’t help but poke my head into this because of my own experience. Full disclosure here, I have been going to anime conventions since 2003 when I was 17 at the first Ikasucon in Cincinnati, Ohio.…
Is there Racism While Driving?
A few months ago, a study came out trying to measure Racial Discrimination among Police Searches of Motor Vehicles. In this study, they not only measure traffic stops, but also how often vehicles were searched and how often contraband was found.…
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