Why did I decide to do this one? Oh right, its more recent and I can’t just defend things I like all the time, it makes me sloppy. If you are an avid anime fan I think you can tell that I’m defending Neon Genesis Evangelion. As you can probably tell from my tone I don’t like this series. …
Breaking The Narrative Episode 36: College Humor? These Comics Are Shit!
I was trolling around on my facebook and came across this from a site called Bored Panda, promoting a shit feminist narrative from College Humor. It’s ten images of what it would look like if the government representation situation was reversed.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 35: Anime Feminist, huh? Nazis You Say?
I am not sure if you remember but in September of 2016 I tackled The Mary Sue talking shit about moe anime. Well it turns out that Amelia Cook, author of the piece I debunked there, has her own website known as animefeminist.com, this being an apparent ‘self descriptor.’…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 34: Again Anita? #NotAProblem!
Seeing as most people here are in the same circles its probably fair to say that you’ve heard about or seen Anita Sarkeesian’s latest video on ‘ethnic women.’ In the past, I’ve approached Sarkeesian’s arguments by either showing how she is wrong or showing what she has missed.…
Women’s march: #ButItsAboutEquality!
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the nation’s female population size is 156,964,212. Somewhere between 2.01% and 3.19% of that number participated in the 2017 Women’s March in various cities throughout the U.S. Granted, only 116928594 of the nation’s female population are over the age of 19, but there were also men and children involved in the march.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 29: Back to Gaming! Top Ten Strong Women in Vidya!
Welcome once again. I figure I’ve been going to a lot of different things lately so for the day before my birthday of January 10th I think I want to get back to basics. So I’m thinking something simple, a top ten list, something that can also be used to shut down various feminist arguments to boot.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 28: Did Gynocentrism End the Roman Empire?
As of the posting of this article its officially 2017, good day Current Year +2. So to start off strong I’m pouncing on something that is fairly serious and rather appropriate considering last year. Did extreme Gynocentrism cause the fall of Rome?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 25: Dark Skinned Women Are Violent Too, Deal With It!
Here we go again, last time around we went in on Japanese women pretty hard, kind of disproving the presumption that they are purely the meek and shy stereotype that feminists love criticizing. The more I write these articles the more I see just how bigoted and prejudiced these ideologues are about everything.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 24: Women Aren’t Violent….My Ass!
After touching upon male disposability and how superheroes were attempted to influence men to enlist in the military last time, I think what this conversation should evolve into now is how violent women actually can be and are if not taught to temper their own emotions early in life.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 23:Up, Up, and Away! Supermen are Disposable!
Good day on this Thanksgiving week for my fellow American readers! To get back into things I figured I might do something a little off the beaten path of what I usually do which is break up shitty narratives made by feminists about the things we like and grant an honest criticism of something we all love: Superheroes.…
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