I know full well that part of my purpose here is to wade into the most moronic parts of the internet and debunk the most insipid lies pushed by feminist ideologues and imbeciles. Therefore, it was only a matter of time that I get to some roots of #GamerGate ire and step into some poorly rendered Polygon.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 47: The Side Show Never Ends! Its Time To Stop, Anita!
This keeps happening, It just keeps happening. I can’t even begin to count how many times people have picked apart these arguments bit by bit and ravaged them in the most obscene ways. Even with that in mind and her audience waning by the day, she tries to continue her insanity with the aptly named “The FREQ Show” starting with a popular subject for this breed of bigots –...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 46: Bill Nye, Ya Dun Goofed Guy!
Well going into the month of May I guess I can touch upon this. After reading the title you must be thinking I’m going to weigh in on the gender pandering episode everyone and their mom had gone and mocked thoroughly. No, I’m here to break a much more constant narrative promoted by the Bill Nye Saves the World show – Violence born of video games.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 44: RenAi BoKun/Love Tyrant Breaking A Review!
Well everyone, this week I’ve decided that I should do another anime review to show the idiot feminists we’ve been dealing with how it’s done. I checked and AniFem does have a review of this show themselves but if last week was any indicator it’s likely shit.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 43: Getting off your behind now AniFem? For the Mecha-Lolis!
Well then it seems that Ms. Amelia Cook is at it again finally, perhaps this will quench my anime bloodlust. Today I found upon her site a review of a new show called Frame Arms Girl. As of this writing the show is on its second episode and will be on its third soon after the release of this article.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 42: In Lieu of a Question, The Mary Sue Has an Answer?!”
I was planning on debunking some more AniFem bullshit but to my chagrin it seems Ameila Cook is… pretty damn lazy. So to go for something more recent, I searched something from this month concerning feminism and anime. What I got was… Marykate Jasper of The Mary Sue pushing something that I roundly debunked about a year ago before I started this particular feature series.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 41: Feminists Tell Noobs How to Get Into Dungeons and Dragons!
To keep with the gaming attitude I’m going for something just left of where we’ve been aimed at for the past two weeks. We are going into an article based around Dungeons and Dragons as you’ve obviously seen from the title, but where is the context?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 40: A Link to the Future! A Legend About Compassion for Men?
Last week I tore apart Sarkeesian’s arguement about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This week I’m going to go into a potential reason why she did it. My hypothesis is if either she or McIntosh did play enough of it, the narrative it puts forward by the game centers around compassion for one’s fellow human beings… or in this case Hylians.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 39: Sarkeesian You Cheap Dunce! Proof You Don’t Play the Game!
Alright, this might be a little short and quite spoilery. This whole thing is based around a series of tweets that prove once and for all that Anita Sarkeesian never plays the games, should never be listened to, and should lose any and all support that she has garnered over the past 5 years.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 38: Of Rebuilds and Rebirths! Lilith is a Feminist!
Alright, here we go back into the fray! Last time on Breaking the Narrative we were dealing with Freudian stereotypes, cult masturbation and exploding economies! In other words, another day in the life of feminist power politics. No surprise here.…
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