Join us on HBR Talk as we take on the emoooootional laaaaabor of cleaning up feminism’s false gendering of worker’s issues. Tune in @8pm Eastern!
Transcript for opening monologue:
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Accountability is totally gay! – HBR Talk 25
Listen as we discuss feminism’s wimminworsting approach to human sexuality and its relationship to human rights issues. Join us @8pm Eastern!
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Breaking the Narrative Episode 75: Its Been Some Time AniFem. The Art and the Artist Argument!
Many times over the years many of us have been tackling these issues we have been dealing with Feminism and Social Justice’s complete hatred and attempt to pervert and overtake artistic endeavors and hobbies, the factors of enjoyment of life, likely due to the fact that so many men are motivated if not by family then by what gives them respite.…
Suffragettes can’t save feminism
Feminists unable to defend against criticism of their lobbying history often fall back on the suffrage card. To put it simply, feminists claim that the suffragette movement means feminism is responsible for women’s ability to exercise the right to vote.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 72: Zero Tolerance Rules Don’t Work. How Teachers Bully Students!
If you are familiar with the video of Keaton Jones posted by his mother meant to raise awareness about bullying late last year then you might realize why I am covering this today. For those unfamiliar with the story or had forgotten, I will get to that in a minute.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 68: Silly Card Trolls, You Aren’t Stopping the Wall!
I’m sure all of you have heard by now about the attempt by the rightsholders of the game Cards Against Humanity trying to block the border wall campaign being pushed by the Trump Administration. This time I’m not going to be debunking a specific article but the concept being promoted by the group in question.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 66: Not Everything is connected to the Alt Right!
This time around I’m actually having difficulty pinning down a specific point of content. There were so many crazy things from this past week to talk about. However I did notice an overlying theme – the dreaded “Alt-Right”. Whether we are talking about NBC’s delusions about #GamerGate and Discord which Alison has talked about here and I’ve figured out the...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 58: Back Again AniFem? How NOT to Go to a Convention!
Its been a while since I picked apart an AniFem article. But apparently they decided to stick their heads into AnimeFest in Dallas, TX and make a ‘report‘ on it. So what I’m going to do here is go through how they are approaching conventions and explain how they either don’t understand the culture and etiquette of a good convention, how they likely ticked off the fans of...
Breaking an Opinion: Happy GamerGate 3.o! How to Protect Yourself From Bullshit!
I realize that everyone likely saw Hannah’s article on the Ctrl-Left instead of my article last week. No I didn’t quit or get canned or anything silly like that. I actually had quite a bit of personal stuff to deal with so my planned article on breaking the narratives of the GoogleMemo ended up not being possible.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 53: Still Want That Baby Soft Skin Huh? INTACTIVISM NOW!
In approximately 86% of the Western world if you’ve had a son or were born a son during the late 20th century, chances are you’ve been exposed to Male Genital Mutilation, also known as circumcision. Well what if I were to tell you that there is actually a first world country that has both its medical establishment and its citizenry wanting the practice banned?…
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