This Thursday at 7:30 PM, Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk to discuss the ideological practice of substituting shaming for evidence and rational arguments when narratives are questioned, and why this is particularly dangerous when applied to science and research.…
Next-level feminist demon-training | HBR talk 175
This week, badger-in-chief Alison Tieman joins HBR Talk to discuss the abusive practice of publicly sexually shaming boys and men, as well as its impact on those targeted, on their communities, and on greater society. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The dystopian quandry | HBR Talk 170
This week HBR Talk will discuss the pattern of thought and behavior that precede deadly state violence, including genocides and politicides, in comparison to the current impact of social justice victim ideologies in first world nations. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
Back for more! Masculinities and covid-19, continued | HBR Talk 169
This week, Deborah Powney again joins HBR Talk as we continue to examine the report, masculinities and covid-19, published by Promundo Global and Durham University. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
UK considers making misandry a hate crime | HBR Talk 168
The United Kingdom is considering making misandry and misogyny hate crimes. Guess which one is controversial! This week, HBR Talk will discuss the proposal and the controversy. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
A look at feminist research on masculinities and covid-19 | HBR Talk 167
This week, Deborah Powney joins HBR Talk as we examine exactly that report, published by Promundo Global and Durham University. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on…
The 3 main female responses to Movember are 2 too many | HBR Talk 158
This week, HBR talk will discuss Movember, male health initiatives, and the tendency of feminist grifters to “support” men’s issues initiatives by taking them over and redirecting them to feminist interests. The discussion streams on multiple platforms.…
What do we do with this box | HBR Talk 155
This week, HBR Talk, featuring Deborah Pawney, will continue our discussion about the hurdles faced by helpseeking men, what changes are needed in order for our society to actually provide male victims with the help they need, and what the men’s rights movement can do to help make those changes happen.…
The Duplicity of Feminist Researcher Mary Koss
By Deadboi Speedy
After watching a couple of the Honey Badger Radio Monologues done by Hannah Wallen regarding Mary Koss’s impact on the rape narrative and the gendering of domestic violence issues, shown here:
Political Prestidigitation: Whammon most affected! | HBR Talk 130
HBR discusses feminism’s use of selective attention and shaming language to promote the female victim identity, used in turn to support the movement’s various grifting activities. Tune in at 7:30PM EST, 12:30AM GMT
Opening monologue transcript
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