We have not finished with our dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, not by a long shot. However, a couple of items have been drawn to our attention that we’ve decided we need to talk about as well.…
Hostile, aggressive feminism | HBR Talk 346
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re continuing last week’s look at something more domestic, which gives you a peek at how feminist framing is used to build a body of lies that look like evidence to be used to...
Hostile, aggressive feminist funding | HBR Talk 345
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re looking at something more domestic, which gives you a peek at how feminist framing is used to build a body of lies that look like evidence to be used to inform law and policy...
What’s wrong with feminist foreign aid? | HBR Talk 343
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re going to examine a particular organization that has received over 36 million dollars for such purposes.…
Down, Down, to Grifter Town | HBR Talk 342
Last week, we started a deep dive into the rabbit hole of US federal government funding of feminist initiatives that could be found by searching the USA Spending website. What started as an examination of one deep hole has turned into a whole rabbit warren with just a few search terms.…
A wild rabbit hole appears | HBR Talk 341
And HBR dives in.
Last week we concluded our look into the Biden crime family and its connection to Ukrainian political corruption, in conjunction with discussing the Ukraine/Russia war. We’re interrupting our continuation of discussion of US involvement in wars due to new information on disclosure of government funding.…
Trump card-v-actual nuclear option? | HBR Talk 339
This week on HBR Talk, we’re interrupting our slog through relevant parts of the Marco Polo report on the Biden crime family to go over an article on just how close Biden brought us to total annihilation, sent to me by a fellow gen-Xer. Could awareness of this possibility be the reason behind the historical male vote in the 2024 US presidential election?…
Still Moron Biden ! | HBR Talk 337
\Join HBR Talk as we continue looking at the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which might explain a bit about why his father chose to give him such a broad pardon. What might that be covering for? Who might that be covering for? What might it mean if Hunter is subpoenaed to testify against his father in an investigation into the Biden money laundering schemes in Ukraine and China...
Just Biden our time? | HBR Talk 334
Last week on HBR Talk, we looked at a little coverage of the pardon decade long blanket pardon Joe Biden gave his son, including a copy of the document itself. This week, we’re going to start looking at the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which might explain a bit about why his father chose to give him such broad coverage.…
What’s the deal, Joe? HBR Talk 333
On HBR News, we talked a bit about Joe Biden’s pardon for his son… the fact that he lied about not planning to give the pardon, some of the implications… Tonight, we’re going a little more in-depth. We’re going to look at a little coverage of the pardon, including a copy of the document itself, and we’re going to start looking at the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which might explain...
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