TagInternational conference on men’s issues

Talking With MRA Philipp Tanzer About His Experience With the BBC Documentarians | Fireside Chat 148


Join us on the Fireside Chat as we talk with MRA Philipp Tanzer about his experience with the BBC during the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2019 in Chicago. We’ll see what other conversations were had, what was left on the cutting room floor, and perhaps explore some of what was discussed in the documentary!…

An Announcement


Imagine if, without your knowledge or consent, someone made a composite video of short clips of you acting edgy, mashed together to make it look like you were seriously involved in something reprehensible, and posted it for your friends and family to see.…

The 2019 International Conference on Men’s Issues is returning to North America


The International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) is a series of annual conferences presented by AVfM, Justice For Men and Boys, and the Honey Badger Brigade dealing with social and legal issues that disproportionately affect men and boys.
This year’s conference is being held in the City of the Big Shoulders, Chicago Illinois, and features thought leaders from across the world.…

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