TagICMI 2019

Egard Watches will be attending ICMI 2019!


In January 2019 Gillette created an advertisement that asked men “is this the best you can be?” Gillette’s ad called out men’s vile “toxic masculinity” in the form of… men speaking to women on the street, approaching women at a party, finding women attractive and boys engaging in horseplay.…

The 2019 International Conference on Men’s Issues is returning to North America


The International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) is a series of annual conferences presented by AVfM, Justice For Men and Boys, and the Honey Badger Brigade dealing with social and legal issues that disproportionately affect men and boys.
This year’s conference is being held in the City of the Big Shoulders, Chicago Illinois, and features thought leaders from across the world.…

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