Taghuman behavior

Reality is tough | HBR Talk 146


This week, HBR Talk will examine social engineers’ attack on your ability to effectively communicate, while we’re still able to describe our observations. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on badgerfeed.com.…

Defunding police: Who pays? | HBR Talk 145


This week, HBR Talk examines the left’s policy of defunding police and catering to unruly mobs. What are they doing and why, and how are men and boys impacted? What actually needs to be done? The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on badgerfeed.com.…

Discussing radicalized youth with Naama Kates and Natti Kaddyifa | HBR Talk 136


This week HBR Talk features investigative journalist Naama Kates, host of The Incel Project, and British Badger Belle Natty Kadifa, discussing the issue of young people (especially boys & young men) getting recruited to groups like these and used, essentially, as soldiers… and how these and other factors may contribute to that phenomenon.…

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