TagHoney Badger Radio

Honey Badger Radio: Upcoming shows July 26th – August 1st


Badger Pod Nerdcast 42: Canuck Yuk
Join the badgers as we discuss Canadian Humour. Or lack of humour. Whichever.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Hannah Wallen, Rachel Edwards, Alison Tieman
Date: July 27th, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern


Nerdrevolt Gamergate 23
Join the badgers as we discuss… the latest happenings in the collective Nerd Revolt! …

Upcoming Shows this week(March 1st-6th) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 26: His was the most… Human
Join the badgers as we discuss Star Trek and honour the memory of Leonard Nimoy.
Host: Brian Martinez
Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman, mad_cat
Date: March 2nd, 2015
Time: 5 PM Eastern


BadgerPod Gamergate # 6: Gamergate Update
Join the badgers as we discuss more exciting events in gamer gate.…

Upcoming Shows this week(Feb 22nd-27th) on Honey Badger Radio


BadgerPod Gamergate # 5: Gamergate Debate! We know that canvasses painted black are art, vaginal egg splatters are art, but are games art? Join the badgers as we debate… Are games art? Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Alison Tieman, Mike(DrRandomercam), Sour Grape Date: February 23rd, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern Honey Badger Radio: The Politics of Making Join the badgers as we discuss the...

Upcoming Shows this week(Feb 8th-14th) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 24: The Horns of Legend Join the badgers as we discuss 80s cult films starting with “Legend” staring Tim Curry and… a big goddamn set of horns! Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Rachel Edwards, Anna Cherry, Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman Date: February 9th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   BadgerPod Gamergate # 3: Goblins, Goblins, Goblins Join the...

Upcoming Shows this week(Feb 2nd-7th) on Honey Badger Radio


Badger Pod Nerdcast 23: Smegheads! Join the badgers as we discuss Red Dwarf and HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on a nerdcast devoted to british humour in space! Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Rachel Edwards, Anna Cherry, Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman Date: February 2nd, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   BadgerPod Gamergate # 2: Gaming on the edge Join the badgers as we discuss...

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