
Which US citizen demographic does the FBI hate the most? | HBR Talk 256


The FBI has received quite a bit of criticism for its information-gathering methods. Between its own agents’ involvement at the planning level in several “conspiracies” they later busted and the public’s suspicion of false-flagging whenever a group appears in khaki and blue, it’s hard to view the agency with anything but an expectation of manipulation and entrapment.…

Feminists to advertisers: You’re doing it wrong! | HBR Talk 254


We’ve been told that feminism’s influence on society is a crazy conspiracy theory, that society is not gynocentric, women have no power, and now influence, and it’s only Patriarchy that affects how things are done in the world. Tonight at 7:30 PM EST on HBR Talk, we’re going to look at a marketing-industry article about why and how to squeeze more feminism into advertising to exercise a powerful...

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