Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about follow up stories regarding Jussie Smollett, soviet cosmonaut and first person to go to space Yuri Gragarin is has his name removed from a fundraiser, CNN faces drama as disgraced former anchor Chris Cuomo is trying to burn it all down, and more!…
Royals Face Pressure to be Perfect While Peasants Are Still Revolting | Maintaining Frame 13
Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss a new article from the BBC written by academic education expert Branwen Jeffreys entitled “Girls Face More Pressure to be a Perfect Teenager” where she makes the case that girls struggle more with things like mental health, image issues, exercise, and more.…
Women in charge of Dating? Feminism says no and this is why | Rantzerker 154
Join us on the Rantzerker with Alison, Brian and Karen as we respond to a podcast by Chris Williamson where he interviews magazine writer, Fortune contributor and “dating expert” Jon Birger.…
This Onlyfans Model is Scared Men Are Only After Her for Her Money | HBR Dating
Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss an Onlyfans model(?) who earns £80,000 a month who claims she has problems with dating because she fears that men will only date her for her money.…
Scotland to Make Misogyny Illegal, Canada Passes Bill-67, Sexy Summer Camp! | HBR News 347
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about some follow up stories regarding Jussie Smollett and Ma’Khia Bryant. Scotland is entertaining the notion of making misogyny a hate crime, Ontario passed a bill called the Racial Equity in the Education System Act, the Sexy Sex Ed summer camp run by feminists(groomers), and more!…
Mel Magazine Says Men’s Rights Activists Are Making the Ukraine About Themselves | Maintaining Frame 13
Join us on today’s show as we react to an article from Dollar Shave Club’s very own “Men’s website” called Mel Magazine entitled “MEN’S RIGHTS ACTIVISTS ARE MAKING THE UKRAINE CRISIS ALL ABOUT THEMSELVES.”…
Call In Show! Hanging Out With Nigerian Immigrant David Okorodudu | Brian’s Badger Lodge
Join us on the Badger Lodge Call In Show where I will give YOU the mic and we talk about what you’re interested in!…
Perfect Ten, Total Zero: Another “Beautiful” Woman is an Evolutionary Dead End | Dating Advice
Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss a story about an Onlyfans model Celine Centino who spent over £20,000 on cosmetic procedures to look like a drawing of a woman. Despite this, she says she is terribly lonely and believes she intimidates men too much and is not approached.…
Jeff Younger Runs For Office, Marylin Manson Sues Evan Rachel Wood | HBR News 347
Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about estranged father Jeff Younger’s run for political office to protect children from transition, Marylin Manson sues Evan Rachel Wood for defamation, the Ukraine is declaring trans women are actually men so they can force them to fight Russia, and more!…
Does Men’s Advocacy Make You Undatable? | Dating Advice
Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss a Dear Prudence piece where the advice columnist responds to a concerned “friend” to a woman who is dating a self-declared misogynist. Let’s investigate! Join us at 4pm Eastern!…
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