We have not finished with our dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, not by a long shot. However, a couple of items have been drawn to our attention that we’ve decided we need to talk about as well.…
Hostile, aggressive feminism | HBR Talk 346
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re continuing last week’s look at something more domestic, which gives you a peek at how feminist framing is used to build a body of lies that look like evidence to be used to...
Hostile, aggressive feminist funding | HBR Talk 345
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re looking at something more domestic, which gives you a peek at how feminist framing is used to build a body of lies that look like evidence to be used to inform law and policy...
What’s wrong with feminist foreign aid? | HBR Talk 343
In our continuing dungeon crawl through the rabbit warren of federally funded international feminist programs, we’ve identified several areas of ideological export, anti-male practices, and propaganda funding. Tonight, we’re going to examine a particular organization that has received over 36 million dollars for such purposes.…
Down, Down, to Grifter Town | HBR Talk 342
Last week, we started a deep dive into the rabbit hole of US federal government funding of feminist initiatives that could be found by searching the USA Spending website. What started as an examination of one deep hole has turned into a whole rabbit warren with just a few search terms.…
A wild rabbit hole appears | HBR Talk 341
And HBR dives in.
Last week we concluded our look into the Biden crime family and its connection to Ukrainian political corruption, in conjunction with discussing the Ukraine/Russia war. We’re interrupting our continuation of discussion of US involvement in wars due to new information on disclosure of government funding.…
Cutting the bovine excrement surrounding the Tate case | HBR Talk 332
The recent ruling in the human trafficking case of social media influencer Andrew Tate has been surrounded by a lot of hype on both sides. No, I’m not talking about the prosecutor’s office. This all seems to be the Tate brothers vs establishment media.…
My Vagina – The Horizontal Version | HBR Parody Production
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My Vagina | An HBR Parody Production
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Women’s suffrage battle: Grrls vs whammon? | HBR Talk 325
For years, the MRM has been told women live under an oppressive patriarchy that denies them any power or influence. What did anti-suffragettes have to say about that? Did women lack power and influence?…
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