One of the pleasant chores in planning our wedding – and thank you everyone for you good wishes, I really appreciated that – was choosing scripture for the ceremony.
Naturally I was drawn to Jesus’ references to himself as “the Bridegroom.”…
DOUBLE STANDARDS – Women in Combat and the Constitutionality of Male-Only Draft Registration
Here’s an interesting development, one that other people predicted. Now that women have been admitted to the maneuver arms the issue of the male-only draft has come up again. The Volokh Conspiracy is a respected center-right law blog. Here’s an article that discusses the constitutionality of the draft in view of this change in policy and also of a court case in 1981 that the exemption of women...
MALE DISPOSABILITY – DOD to lift the ban on women in combat – Whoopdy-doo – Let’s see if they manage to keep from fucking this up.
And the signs are not good. Judging from their stated motive for lifting the ban, they have it exactly backwards.
“Advocates have long said that banning women from elite combat roles was not only discriminatory, but also prevented women from reaching more prestigious military ranks and receiving promotions.”…
Newtown Shooting, and the Nature of Risk
As promised, I’m back for a bit of December blogging. In general my life is still quite busy, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. But I will still try to blog from time to time. Tell Ginkgo to kick me if I don’t blog at least once a month.…
DOUBLE STANDARDS – And Sexist Piggery – Her Husband Has No Say In the Matter, Of Course
Caroline Hax had an article recently in which a woman came to her about her husband who didn’t want her pregnancy to continue. He didn’t want another child. This pregnancy was the result of years of IVF attempts, and the husband had changed his mind at some point.…
Valerie Keefe tells a fellow feminist some home truths about what MRAs think of feminism and why
Commenter Valerie Keefe, a feminist, posted this comment to an article here. It was a re-post of a comment at the site she mentions below, where the blogger had posted a list of supposedly pro-male posts by feminists.
Most of the comment thread is interesting, worth a read, although in the end it dissolves into a bunch of puerility.…
This post is a bit of a random one-off. Just a (maybe not-so) silly rant.
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) seems to be getting more egalitarian, slowly but surely. It’s a good sign and good progress. But even if the text of the act becomes 100% egalitarian some time down the road, there is still a problem: the title.…
GENERAL – You Don’t Know Me
In the discussions around gender we have gotten used to feminists making sweeping statements about men and men’s proclivities and tendencies – essentially claims to understand men’s psychology. You’ll see statements about how porn makes men rape, or how men commit DV as a means of maintaining patriarchy, or how men only want equal custody of their kids to get out of paying child support (although...
Harassment in Gaming: Too Much Focus On Women?
JDCyran made a thoughtful and long comment on the “Tropes vs Women” thread that I thought was worth lifting as a post unto itself. Please forgive any proofreading errors, as it was originally just a comment after all. Here is JDCyran’s comment in full:
Speaking of women in gaming, The NY Times printed (digitized?)…
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