TagGood Intentions

Breaking the Narrative Episode 33: Wibbly Wobbly Wordy Lordy Stuffs! Why Do These Labels Make No Sense?”


Due to the events that seem to keep popping up since the inauguration, hell, for the past 50+ years or so, I think that we need to talk about two very specific labels concerning politics: Liberal and Conservative.  You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with Men’s Rights or Vidya Alex?”…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 13:A Feminine Touch, Oh My! Female Mentors in Video Games.


Last week we started this two-parter with male mentor characters in video games. Now I hope you did your homework and commented on it with something productive because some of that is going to be touched upon later on with this one. If not that’s ok, I’m planning on in a month or so to do a part three based purely on what I find in comments for both of these articles to finish up on...

Pathological Altruism: The Road to Hell is Paved with Hair Dye and Vagina Bread


You know, it never fails to astound me when I see people, when commenting on Feminists Behaving Badly, saying such things as, “They know exactly what they’re doing! They’s evil!”
While the people who often make such accusations fall firmly into the realm of trait ascription bias, the caricature is all-too-common, especially in online realms.…

Reforming Rising Sun Rape


When men’s rights activists fight to get resources, the law and even the culture reformed for men who suffer from rape experiences across a wide variety of countries, feminism often stands in the way. Indeed, it could be and has been said that the gynocentric views feminism engenders serve to strengthen the apathy to achieving justice and closure for male rape victims.…

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