Taggeek culture

Breaking the Narrative Episode 104: Happy International Men’s Day 2018! Flexible Mentorship!


Today on this International Men’s Day of 2018 the theme of the day is strong male role models. Now I’ve talked about male mentors and the importance of mentorship in the past. However these are typically examples of fictional role models, characters you could play as or play with that can be seen as a series of traits to live by.…

Breaking the Narrative Special 3: Why Do Anime, Video Games, and the Men’s Rights Movement Corellate?


Its been a while since I did a ‘special’ article of Breaking the Narrative. As such I figured I’d write an observational opinion piece on something that keeps being noticed in our stretch of the world. Many people who back our side of the debate get attacked for having ‘anime avatars’ or being ‘filthy weebs.’…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 15: Cosplay is not Consent? Then Why Did You Jump On Me?


So since the past few years have seen a lot of signs talking about cosplay, slut shaming, and groping at various geek culture conventions. I couldn’t help but poke my head into this because of my own experience. Full disclosure here, I have been going to anime conventions since 2003 when I was 17 at the first Ikasucon in Cincinnati, Ohio.…

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