
Video Games as Mythology


By Peter Thompson
Mythology is a collection of images and stories, more technically described as, “an organization of symbolic images and narratives metaphorical of the possibility of human experience and fulfillment in a given culture at a given time.”…

What Women Think of Feminist Frequency


Several months ago, I published two articles on my old blog, Black Trident Media, entitled “What Women Think of Feminist Frequency” in which I approached a number of women via social media and asked them to offer a counter-perspective to much of the common fluff concerning Anita Sarkeesian’s views in Feminist Frequency’s Tropes vs.…

Upcoming Shows this week(Feb 22nd-27th) on Honey Badger Radio


BadgerPod Gamergate # 5: Gamergate Debate! We know that canvasses painted black are art, vaginal egg splatters are art, but are games art? Join the badgers as we debate… Are games art? Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Alison Tieman, Mike(DrRandomercam), Sour Grape Date: February 23rd, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern Honey Badger Radio: The Politics of Making Join the badgers as we discuss the...

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