
Jada is the Real Winner, Anita Sarkeesian Get’s a Peabody, Abusing AI Women | HBR News 350


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the incident at the Oscars and what men can learn from this, Hulu is currently developing a series based on the suicide of Conrad Roy to give us the perspective of the women who allegedly drove Conrad to suicide, Anita Sarkeesian receives a Peabody award for her work cramming feminism into video game...

Breaking an Opinion Episode 6: Are Weebs Really Going To Win the Culture War?


Well this has been a hectic week so to speak, particularly within the vein of anime with the filing of the Vic Mignogna v. Funimation lawsuit. However, I am wanting to approach this from the possible consequences of this event. How this would change defamation law interpretations, how this might give the falsely accused more ways to fight back, and perhaps even the potential abolition of the...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 105: Entertainment is Pushing Forward, The Second Video Game Crash Looms!


Video Gaming as its evolved over the years has helped bridge a lot of gaps, despite the urging of puritans to push forth needless conflict. This is because if they can keep us distracted with their brands of propaganda and keep us from realizing that the one harming us isn’t our neighbor but the ones directing power, then they can rest easy knowing that they can just fatten and grow...

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