Taggame review

Breaking the Narrative 118: Little Girls Are Not Innocent Princesses! Breaking a Review of Rule of Rose!


In the spirit of being unpredictable I want to pull out a rare game as a way to show why the censorship of media is inherently troublesome. This is an example of a game that has been banned in multiple countries across the world, and was targeted with a ban attempt here in the states, though to no serious avail.…

Breaking the Narrative Special 2: Breaking a Review with Kunio-Kun!


Hello everyone, hope you’ve had a good week coming to terms with the results of last week and are ready to delve into something we don’t usually do around here. Oh and I know I’m a couple of days late and all since my articles upload on Mondays but… since this is the nearest one to it, HAPPY BELATED INTERNATIONAL MEN’S DAY!…

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