Tagfree speech

Elon Musk vs The Blue Bird of Misery | Maintaining Frame 14


Elon Musk, eccentric tech innovator and richest man in the world, has purchased a 9.2% share in Twitter, making him the largest shareholder in the social media platform. He then announced on April 14th, after rejecting a position on Twitter’s board, that he’s making an offer to purchase the entire company and if he is unsuccessful he will reconsider his investment in Twitter.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 75: Its Been Some Time AniFem. The Art and the Artist Argument!


Many times over the years many of us have been tackling these issues we have been dealing with Feminism and Social Justice’s complete hatred and attempt to pervert and overtake artistic endeavors and hobbies, the factors of enjoyment of life, likely due to the fact that so many men are motivated if not by family then by what gives them respite.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 69: Fucked if We Do, Fucked if We Don’t? Did We Ever Really Have Net Neutrality?


This one may be a little controversial but in the current climate is very very important when looking into the future of the Men’s Rights Movement, Independent Content Creation, and human interaction overall. What I am doing this time around is I’m going to look back on the past two decades of easily accessed consumer level internet and see whether or not this decision of Ajit...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 66: Not Everything is connected to the Alt Right!


This time around I’m actually having difficulty pinning down a specific point of content. There were so many crazy things from this past week to talk about. However I did notice an overlying theme – the dreaded “Alt-Right”.  Whether we are talking about NBC’s delusions about #GamerGate and Discord which Alison has talked about here and I’ve figured out the...

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