
“Nice” feminism: How a hate movement uses its grassroots against men


NAFALT – not all feminists are like that – is a frequently offered counter to discussion about the hatred and bigotry that permeates modern feminist activism. It’s used to hold up people who identify as feminist, subscribe to feminist ideology, and support mainstream feminist organizations, but don’t consider themselves misandrist, as a shield to protect the movement from scrutiny.…

The situation in Spain


Hello Badgers, Cassius here again. I’ve told you a few things before about my experiences with feminism and men’s rights in Spain, but now I would like to paint a broader picture for you, in case you are not familiar with the situation: Feminism is mainstream, it is a must for every political party and to disagree with a feminist is exposing yourself to lots of “machista”...

Feminist Religion


by Theryn Meyer
Epistemology is the study of how we come to know what we know, especially with regards to its limits and validity. Throughout history there have been two leading, often competing and conflicting, epistemologies – science (based on the scientific method) and religion (based on faith).…

Men deserve to be pampered


“Hey, Badger, I had a date with a new lover of mine and he asked me to pick up dinner. Fine, but then he also asked me to pick up beer. I mean, he usually picks up dinner and surprises me with dessert. He didn’t bring dessert this time either. We had a good time, but now I’m upset.…

Honey Badger Radio: Shit feminists say


We’re no strangers to the ravings of feminists. In fact, there’s very little that we haven’t seen or heard. With the popularity of the Women Against Feminism hashtag, the web is filled to the brim with feminist bullshit.
But sometimes there are things said that are exceptionally bad.…

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