
AOC Doubles Down on Victimhood, China “Man’s Up”, Andrew O’Keefe Charged With Assault | HBR News 293


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we are talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doubling down on her claims of a near death experience on January 6th and the fallout of those claims, Australian show host Andrew O’Keefe is accused of assault, Biden sends troops to the middle east, but they look fabulous so it’s OK, and more!…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 80: Introspection and Self-Reflection. Are We Doing a Good Job?


I’m sure many here have not only seen certain developments that been going for some time in relation to internet culture and interaction with what Raging Golden Eagle has called ‘meatspace.’ In fact I do kind of enjoy his approach to the subject of how society is evolving via ‘netspace’ interactions.…

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