TagFeminist Misogyny

The misogyny that dare not speak its name


Raw Story recently wrote an article attributing statements made by members of the Reddit community “The Red Pill” to men’s rights activists. Although these statements were not made by self-identified men’s rights activists, they were also not very controversial—amounting to tips to avoid being crime victims–unless viewed through the feminist lens that women can’t consent to sex while drunk...

All roads lead to rape


Do you wanna play a game?
Game designer, animator and writer Hannes Flor has created a “game” reminiscent of the classic ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books, except Flor’s game is the worst choose-your-own-adventure ever.…

Badger Talk: All Roads Lead to Rape


The following is the text of a Honey Badger Brigade discussion of a rape game created by a feminist entitled “The Day the Laughter Stopped.”
The laughter did stop that day. 
Typhon: This is a rape game created by feminist.
Typhon: Anyone want to take a stab at tearing that apart?…

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