Maybe we should advocate for government authorities to treat a kick to the crotch differently depending on the sex of the victim. After all, it’s common knowledge that it hurts much worse for a guy to be kicked there… so kicking a gal in the crotch really isn’t that big of a deal, right?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 16: Who Likes Big Butts and Can Not Lie?
Well, here we are again, dealing with the insanity that is Feminist Frequency. Most of you have already watched the episode done on this: XxFirermahgerdden the Rezerkening 420YOLOSWAG Chat 43.69xX: OVER 9000 BODY TYPES! I am going to approach this in ways not approached during the show.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 15: Cosplay is not Consent? Then Why Did You Jump On Me?
So since the past few years have seen a lot of signs talking about cosplay, slut shaming, and groping at various geek culture conventions. I couldn’t help but poke my head into this because of my own experience. Full disclosure here, I have been going to anime conventions since 2003 when I was 17 at the first Ikasucon in Cincinnati, Ohio.…
Feminists don’t understand cake
Most people know the old saying, “You can’t have your cake, and eat it too.” The saying is a way of expressing that when one possible choice makes a condition impossible, you can’t expect to make that choice while retaining that condition.…
Breaking the Narrative Special 1: Anti-Feminists Are Dangerous? Really Now!
I’m sure the lot of you have seen by now this article on ( , posting archive for those who wish to avoid giving into their clickbait.), the 7 Dangerous Anti-Feminist Groups You Should Know About by Eric Shorey.…
Letter to the Badgers: Excerpt from a Swedish newspaper
Hello Badgers, First of all, I want to thank you all for your fantastic work bringing to light issues that very few other people dare to talk about. I thought I would share something ridiculous I found in a Swedish newspaper today. See the attached image and the translation below: The top line says “Men’s* contribution to discussions about rape on social medias” The first color...
Soy una mujer sexy, ¡deja de cosificarme!
Traducción de un vídeo y un artículo de GirlWritesWhat.
Traductora: E. V. In’Morales
Revisor: El Ratel
Hace poco, un suscriptor perplejo me preguntó si estaría dispuesta a hacer un vídeo sobre la cosificación sexual, después de toparse en Internet con dos artículos polémicos que lo dejaron rascándose la cabeza.…
“Nice” feminism: How a hate movement uses its grassroots against men
NAFALT – not all feminists are like that – is a frequently offered counter to discussion about the hatred and bigotry that permeates modern feminist activism. It’s used to hold up people who identify as feminist, subscribe to feminist ideology, and support mainstream feminist organizations, but don’t consider themselves misandrist, as a shield to protect the movement from scrutiny.…
What Were You Wearing? …and Other Invasive Questions
So early this morning I got into a discussion with an old friend. She had posted a meme from the image app Whisper saying that: If lesbians can control themselves around short skirts, then the skirt’s not the problem. I took issue with this, not because I disagree with the statement, but rather because I felt that it was suggesting that men simply couldn’t control themselves around scantily-clad...
Pathological Altruism: The Road to Hell is Paved with Hair Dye and Vagina Bread
You know, it never fails to astound me when I see people, when commenting on Feminists Behaving Badly, saying such things as, “They know exactly what they’re doing! They’s evil!”
While the people who often make such accusations fall firmly into the realm of trait ascription bias, the caricature is all-too-common, especially in online realms.…
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