TagFemale Privilege

Spain gender laws: A country against men.


For this article, I will try to add as much sources in English as possible. However, most of the info is only available in Spanish, so you’ll have to use Google translator if you want to check them properly. Some of the links will be to videos in Spanish; I don’t know a possible solution for those, but I have not found a sub version.…

Justice Jacks In to Jackie’s Jacked Up UVA Stories


For the first time since she was made infamous by the pseudonym Jackie in the now notorious Rolling Stone false rape UVA article, the woman whose lies started the whole mess will finally be facing a tiny bit of scrutiny. A judge has signed an order that compels Jackie to turn over communications between her and Rolling Stone in a lawsuit filed by Dean Nicole Eramo, suing Rolling Stone for nearly...

“An act of love”


The following article is an English translation of an original article by El Tivípata, a Spanish blogger specialized in antifeminism. Originally published on 13th December 2015. Published with his explicit permission. Link to the original in Spanish:

Ten commandments Swedish feminists want all men to read


Greetings Badgers, I discovered your show a few months back and I love you guys and have been listening almost non stop for said months now. You guys have brought me joy, anger and frustration, and Alison’s passionate speeches have moved me to tears, at my workplace where I weld, suffer high risks of death from explosions, poisoning, crushing, falling, burning, impalement, and where I flip...

Challenging the “Evolutionary Psychology” of PUA and MGTOW: the absurd Alpha-Beta paradigm


I’ve spent the last few years trying to be nice to people spreading what I consider pernicious anti-male attitudes about sex and reproduction throughout the “manosphere.” As feminism is increasingly culturally on the defensive, and even conservatives are starting to notice men need to have reasons other than “duty” to want to be with women, and as the concept of “Men’s...

Diffusion of Responsibility


In April, I participated in the A to Z challenge for my blog. This was my second year and likely my last year doing this. What I did for the challenge was introduce terms that should be taught as literary terms for a new age. To write about life, we need to understand life.…

TIME, Human Rights Watch ignore male victims of violence, report that female victims are ignored


Story: Violence against women with disabilities is often ignored in several countries The TIME story links to a Human Rights Watch report, Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts. According to TIME, this report shows that “Women with disabilities are three times as likely to be raped, physically abused or sexually assaulted,” but are “often ignored when...

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