TagFemale Privilege

Soy una mujer sexy, ¡deja de cosificarme!


Traducción de un vídeo y un artículo de GirlWritesWhat.
Traductora: E. V. In’Morales
Revisor: El Ratel

Hace poco, un suscriptor perplejo me preguntó si estaría dispuesta a hacer un vídeo sobre la cosificación sexual, después de toparse en Internet con dos artículos polémicos que lo dejaron rascándose la cabeza.…

A Poor Lob For Gender Pay Equality


A lob is a tennis term for a ball hit high in the air, often done as a defensive maneuver, to allow the player to move to a better position while forcing the opposing player into a weak position. Recent issues in the Tennis world erupted when Raymond Moore, the tournament director of the BNP Paribas Open, stated that he felt that female tennis players were lucky and owed their status as players...

Check Your YouTube Privilege


Fairly recently, BriaAndChrissy, Jaclyn Glenn, and Olga Kay, put a video up talking about how they feel disrespected online because they are sexualized by commenters. They dislike how some people online treat them as sexual objects and don’t discuss their points.…

Soggy knees!


Damseling intensifies over Trump’s failure to venerate women.
Response to two recent stories coming out of the Trump campaign give an interesting look at how egalitarian statements from a candidate can clash with the public’s gynocentrism.…

Gay Men Are Not Oppressed? Really?


Britain’s National Union of Students recently claimed that LGBT student societies affiliated with the NUS should not have specific gay male representatives on the grounds that gay males are not oppressed within LGBT culture (). Many people took this article and misinterpeted it as a claim that gay men are not oppressed at all, but this article is still telling of a great shift within the...

Caitlin Moran’s 12 nonsensical ramblings for a male-feminist recruitment drive


Using the standard specious logic, dodgy stats, and sleaze-laden self-deprecating humour common to feminism’s publicity drives, Caitlin Moran recently took to the men’s magazine Esquire to school men about the wonders of feminism. I held my nose and went through the article with an anti-feminist fine tooth comb to expose the female supremacy nonsense and abject misandry coursing through her...

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