TagFemale Privilege

Evie Magazine advocates violence against men – we respond | HBR Talk 173


This week, Judith Char joints HBR talk to discuss the Evie Magazine slap thread and responses and the evolution of the surrounding gynocentric narratives. The discussion streams on multiple platforms. You can tune in Thursday at 7:30PM Eastern, or find other viewing and listening options for that time or later, on honeybadgerbrigade.com.…

Breaking the Narrative Episode 98: Broke? It Never Even Worked! The Violence Against Women Act’s Incompetence.


Merry Meet all….this article will not be one of jokes or of lightheartedness because the source material I will be using as an example for the core of my argument is rather somber. Whats more is I wish to say I don’t feel any one person in this dour event is particularly at fault so much as the combination systems and actions by the feminist ideologues that have done their damnedest...

Breaking the Narrative Episode 96: Fandom isn’t Toxic Trekspertise. Put Down the Kool-Aid.


This week I’m covering a request from a fan of my work here: A YouTube video by Trekspertise called “The Rise of Toxic Fandom: A Theory.” Since this is a rarity for my work I’m simply attaching the direct video link. I do have to request you not leave any comments on the video as due to the fact I don’t believe it will do any good, though it might help to have this...

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