
The Mask Explodes As the SJW Empire Reveals Itself | HBR News 289


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! While we would normally have several different stories with their own central message or point, but this week is a little different. In light of all the insanity that’s occurred in the past week, we’re basically doing just one story and all the related events(or as many as we can fit) surrounding the massive...

Upcoming Shows July 12th to 18th


Badger Pod Nerdcast 40: Do you listen to Phil Collins? Join the badgers as we discuss Phil Collins and American Psycho. Or rather join us as we listen to DrRandomerCam froth and rage about Phil Collins. Host: Brian Martinez Participants: Mike(DoctorRandomercam), Alison Tieman, Rachel Edwards, Wildcard Date: July 13th, 2015 Time: 5 PM Eastern   Badgerpod Gamergate 21: Sayonara, Iwata Sensei...

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