Tagfamily court

RIP Neocon Colin Powell, Unvaxxed Dad Banned From Child Visitation, Reset the Clock! | HBR News 328


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the #metoo allegations against No Time To Die director Cary Fukunaga(who called James Bond a “rapist”), Colin Powell passes due to “complications” related to Covid-19, an activist judge bans a father from visitation rights unless he gets vaccinated, and more!…

Honey Badger Radio: Veteran mental health


It’s tough being a veteran. You sacrifice everything you have for the greater good. However, the degree to which soldiers suffer is a consistent taboo. Many return to civilian life with a pile of hospital bills, crippling PTSD, a biased family court system, and a world that would rather sweep them under the rug than deal with their problems.…

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