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Nevermind the feminist Deathstar!


I want to start off with expressing my sincere gratitude towards the anonymous source who sent me the Link that got me interested in this matter.; and to Hannah Wallen who helped me out to a great extent in researching this topic. Without her I would probably still be stuck trawling through these pages.…

Justice Department Guidance on Identifying and Preventing Gender Bias in Law Enforcement Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence


In December, 2015, the US Department of Justice (DoJ), issued new guidelines to to help law enforcement agencies (LEAs) prevent gender bias in their response to sexual assault and domestic violence. The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), the Civil Rights Division and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) collaborated to produce the guidance...

Feminists Wrong About Porn Users.


Last month, I did an article on the claim that watching porn makes you a feminist. This led to a research paper that actually tested the assumption “If watching porn makes you a misogynist” as supported by most feminist researchers. The studied showed that those who watch porn are more likely to have favorable viewpoints towards feminist topics, and in some cases more so than non-porn...

Who Stole the Hugos?


On August 21st, the Hugo Awards were voted on and given out. This year was a bit controversial, as a group known as the Sad Puppies appeared to influence the nomination with a slate. This upset a great many within the Hugo Award community, and thus they decided to get even.…

Which country is the most Egalitarian of All?


In my first article, I introduced the Global Gender Gap. The Global Gender Gap is meant to represent how balanced a society is. Based on how it measured a variety of variables, I concluded that it measure Women’s Status in a society. It was quick to ignore any advancement women had and any instances of men being dominated by women.…

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