This summer season of anime has shown some of the usual mindless fare that could be expected. However, there is one anime this time around that has honestly shocked me, something rare for this day and age to be sure. Before I begin, I want to explain that this particular title is not simply purely for adults but is NOT for the faint of heart.…
Breaking An Opinion Episode 3: It Was Never About Succeeding.
In the 2 1/2 years since I’ve been writing for this site and the nearly 4 years since the advent of #GamerGate, I’ve been starting to notice something very specific. Nothing the SJWs have attempted to overtake has ever been ‘successful.’ I’m starting to think that succeeding with these outlets were never the goal.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 92: The Other Half of the Japanese Population Decline, the Hikkikomori
Good day everyone. The subject we are approaching here may seem like it’s a more broad aspect of what has happened to Japan’s native population, but as with most things, you will soon find that that this phenomenon happens more often to men than women.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 91: A Story of a Kang! Masculine Humility as Taught by Coming To America!
Before we begin I wish to apologize for the delay in the posting of this article. All delays and issues in its release are due to the time needed for the Calgary Expo trial date. Details of which will be discussed elsewhere in the appropriate manner. Thank you for your understanding.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 89: Tennessee’s Opening of Pandora’s Gynocentric Box
It is no secret that we are often saddled even now with the issue and question of suffrage, also known as the Right to Vote in the United States. For the longest time, as seen in historically researched texts, this was more linked to the ownership of property as opposed to the common misconception that gender and race were determining factors.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 88: The Real Way AI is Going to Take Over The World! A Review of Beatless!
I’ve decided to cover this particular series because it’s gone particularly far for an anime in this day and age, and is still on going, surprisingly. This is unusual for a non-franchise anime in the current industry. The reason I’ve made this decision is not just because this ends up becoming Dave Cullen’s worst nightmares made manifest, but it touches upon the plight of...
Breaking an Opinion Episode 2: Women Just Can’t Handle the Magma!
Good day to all of you. Now that seems like a very specific title, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is. What do I mean by the “Magma”? I’m talking about an aspect of men and their emotions that has surfaced in multiple cultures over the years.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 82: The legend that inspired two countries of boys, Shotaro Ishinomori
This time around I have decided to cover another creator who has inspired several generations of young boys and men with a strong example of honorable and self-sacrificing men. If Osamu Tezuka is Japan’s equivalent to Walt Disney then today’s subject, Shotaro Ishinomori, is their Stan Lee! …
Breaking the Narrative Episode 81: No @Redlianak, You Don’t Understand Comedy!
Well if you’ve followed us for a while then you may be more than familiar with our differences with this particular ‘nice’ feminist. However those differences aren’t going to be what we discuss today. Today we discuss something of hers our friendly neighborhood doge has read.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 80: Introspection and Self-Reflection. Are We Doing a Good Job?
I’m sure many here have not only seen certain developments that been going for some time in relation to internet culture and interaction with what Raging Golden Eagle has called ‘meatspace.’ In fact I do kind of enjoy his approach to the subject of how society is evolving via ‘netspace’ interactions.…
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