Video Gaming as its evolved over the years has helped bridge a lot of gaps, despite the urging of puritans to push forth needless conflict. This is because if they can keep us distracted with their brands of propaganda and keep us from realizing that the one harming us isn’t our neighbor but the ones directing power, then they can rest easy knowing that they can just fatten and grow...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 103: Waxing Mid-Terms, Waning Logic! Politicized Scholastics?
I realize the title of this one may be a bit confusing, however I did want to slip in one last midterms joke before we vote Tuesday. I don’t have too much to worry about, my polling place is in walking distance. I do know one thing though, I’m not voting for Karl Dean to be governor of my state.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 102: So Much Blood! Whats Up With Goblin Slayer???
If you are in any way acquainted with anime then this past month you’ve likely heard of the new series Goblin Slayer! With the fourth episode having just passed, I figured that this makes for the best time to cover it. This is not just because of how much is out there but because it’s Halloween.…
Breaking an Opinion Episode 4: Victimhood Isn’t Attractive!
For getting into the better part of 3 years, I’ve been criticizing and downright disproving many feminist arguments and social justice constructs due to their being based purely on very fallible opinions and assertions that just don’t work in reality.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 100! Confusing Interest with Consent? Fuck My Life…Wait Don’t!
This week my loving wife decided to bring a study we seemed to have overlooked to my attention. Now while it hasn’t really gained traction yet it seems that some people have already decided to talk about it this year. Now what does this study say for those who haven’t looked at the links?…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 99: Feminists Can’t Write Heroines! A Comparison Between Cinema Heroines and an Anime Heroine!
Within this past month we’ve seen the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe trailer of Captain Marvel. The title character is written in the frame of the more feminist variant of recent comics if the trailer is any indication. This is one in a long line of feminist protagonists that no one can find likable.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 98: Broke? It Never Even Worked! The Violence Against Women Act’s Incompetence.
Merry Meet all….this article will not be one of jokes or of lightheartedness because the source material I will be using as an example for the core of my argument is rather somber. Whats more is I wish to say I don’t feel any one person in this dour event is particularly at fault so much as the combination systems and actions by the feminist ideologues that have done their damnedest...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 97: The Source of the Problem – Telltale Origins of the Contemporary SJW.
One of the most persistent problems with political discourse this decade has been the advent of the Social Justice Warrior and their particular tactics; appeals to emotion, denial of reality and refusal to take any responsibility for their actions or attitudes.…
Breaking The Narrative Episode 95: A Journey of Vengeance? Reviewing Shenmue I+II
The year is 2000, I had been an owner of a Sega Dreamcast, playing Phantasy Star Online for months on effectively the first console I ever personally owned. It wouldn’t be much longer before I owned a Playstation 2. Shenmue had gotten released in the United States and I was enthralled.…
Breaking in a Concept: #GamerGate the Phoenix, A Call for Consolidated Advocacy.
When #GamerGate was first coined by Adam Baldwin 4 years ago almost to the day, I doubt anyone could have fathomed the cultural zeitgeist it evolved into or the several ‘#Gates’ it would have inspired. I don’t even think anyone would have imagined the need for such consumer revolts left right and center.…
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