Masturbation hysteria is a bit of history that isn’t really history yet. The moral panic around boys masturbating back in the late 19th, early 20th centuries was profound and it manifested in many ways. One was a market for what can only charitably be called chastity devices, since the sex they were aiming to prevent wasn’t going to result in inflicting someone else’s baby on anyone, and so was...
GENDER STEREOTYPES – Bronies, gender policing and an effective counter-tactic
Bronies challenge the gender norms for men on several levels and they come in for a lot of shaming, as Typhonblue points out.
When her piece on bronies was posted to the MensRights sub-reddit, it generated a very telling discussion. The nature of that discussion proved Typhonblue’s point.…
THE FEMINIST PIMP HAND – Sororities and wolfpacks and silencing
It has become obvious that the Feminist Pimp Hand deserves a category of its own. It is quite obvious that it is an all too common policing tactic and that it needs to be highlighted and exposed. Here’s one we are highlighting this time.
The example we are highlighting involves a feminist wolfpack, the commentariat at Manboobz.…
DAMSELING – The moan about housework, again
Here we go again, another moan, this time from Annalyn Kurtz, about how men don’t do their share of household chores, all of course without any consideration of who gets to decide what chores need to be done in the first place, in other words, how many chores there actually are.…
DOUBLE STANDARDS – Facebook and misandry
Recently Facebook has implemented a policy to take down posts that reflect hate speech. So they have been taking down content that can be construed as misogynist, however tenuous that construal may be. And that is their right. It’s a private business.…
EVIDENCE COLLECTION – Patterns of feminists making death threats
A common accusation aimed at Men’s Human Rights activists (MHRAs) is that they are violent, that the movement is violent, that it is motivated by raw, raging misogyny. The response typically is that all the actual violence seems to be coming from feminists and that this accusation is just the product of projection.…
PARENTING – Custody battles and dirty tricks
Stories of mothers resorting to dirty tricks to get custody and/or total control of their children away from their fathers are legion – and when I say dirty tricks, I mean the lowest kind of abuse of process and the legal system and utter contempt for any kind of decency – false accusation of sexual abuse, false accusations of domestic abuse, false rape accusations.…
IT’S SHIT LIKE THIS, FEMINISTS – Wonder why women are reluctant to call themselves feminists? Try listening to them!
Ever since studies began coming out showing that large numbers, majorities even, of young women are reluctant to call themselves feminists, the subject has attracted comment.
Most recently Ally Fogg has posed the question in about as serious a form as I have seen.…
FEMALE PRIVILEGE – Donglegate – This is what sexual entitlement looks like
Patrick Brown makes a very good point in this thread about women imposing their own standards of decency and speech on men in the workplace, or elsewhere for that matter:
Patrick Brown on 2013-03-26 at 9:51 am said:
Thing is though – as you point out with your link – it’s not actually a female norm.…
FEMALE PRIVILEGE – Women’s control over men’s reproduction
Just a quick little round-up, one day’s fishing, of examples of a woman’s control over a man’s reproduction, or in one case, her power to force him to subsidize her reproductive choices for children that are not even his, a little “bird in the back yard” exercise.…
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