
Breaking the Narrative Episode 33: Wibbly Wobbly Wordy Lordy Stuffs! Why Do These Labels Make No Sense?”


Due to the events that seem to keep popping up since the inauguration, hell, for the past 50+ years or so, I think that we need to talk about two very specific labels concerning politics: Liberal and Conservative.  You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with Men’s Rights or Vidya Alex?”…

Etymology again


Hi Alison and Mike
It was very amusing to watch: The Ragening 19: Heel Thyself
But I still want to point out the etymology again just for fun *S*:
Adam does not mean “the (were)man”. Eve is not “the woman”. But
is it rather up your alley: Adam simply means *the red handsome earth being* or “human” or “humankind”.…

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