
Health, Diet and Maximizing Masculinity With Returning Guest Georgi Dinkov | Fireside Chat 190


Join us on the Fireside Chat with our returning guest Georgi Dinkov. Georgi writes on topics spanning metabolic theory of health, medicine, science, society, politics, the arts and more. He has theories and ideas about things like testosterone which go against the mainstream narratives typically associated with testosterone and masculinity.…

16 Year-Old Boy Given Estrogen for Behavioral Problems In Juvenile Hall | HBR News 265


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about a teenage boy who was given estrogen without the consent of parents because he was diagnosed with “oppositional defiant disorder”, a young man who is looking to detransition back to a female, Feminist Frequency is launching an Online Harassment Hotline, and more!…

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