
The Mask Explodes As the SJW Empire Reveals Itself | HBR News 289


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! While we would normally have several different stories with their own central message or point, but this week is a little different. In light of all the insanity that’s occurred in the past week, we’re basically doing just one story and all the related events(or as many as we can fit) surrounding the massive...

Why I’m not ‘anti-racism’


This morning I had quite an interesting experience in the store. I was at the register while another customer came by and noticed a phone had been left on the counter. Neither the cashier nor I had seen it. The other customer picked it up and after a back and forth of the cashier and I telling him that he needed to give it to her he decided to tell us we both could not be trusted and were...

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