Join us tonight HBR Talk as we look at feminist boundary issues as an essential component of feminists’ push for the discriminatory campus sexual misconduct law and policy under discussion at Rowan University’s 2018 Title IX conference, in conjunction with more of the keynote speaker’s speech.…
“Equality!” | HBR Talk 51
Join Karen Straughan, Hannah Wallen, and undercover badger Andrew as we continue our examination of the musings of a professional victim as part of the recent Title IX Research and Resources conference at Rowan University. Tune in @ 8pm Eastern!
Transcript for opening video:
The ballad of the never ending corner | HBR Talk 50
Join us on HBR Talk as we continue our examination of the audio from a presentation by a “victim-turned-victim’s-advocate” who spoke at Rowen University’s 2018 Title IX conference. Tune in @ 8pm Eastern!
Opening video transcript
How Alison Tieman became a woman kicked out of comics
In 2015 I was evicted from the Calgary Comics Expo and banned from all their conventions for a period of 10 years because(imo) feminist Sam Maggs decided she didn’t like me questioning feminism or advocating for men’s rights. For three years I fought back against my unlawful eviction, banning and blacklisting.…
Title XI : Feminist Munchausen’s by Proxy | HBR Talk 49
Join us on the HBR talk as we listen to and comment on the audio from a presentation by a “victim-turned-victim’s-advocate” who spoke at Rowen University’s 2018 Title IX conference. Tune in @ 8pm Eastern!
Transcript of opening video:
Title IX: Targeting men for whose protection? Part 2 | HBR Talk 48
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Title IX: Targeting men for whose protection? | HBR Talk 47
Join us on HBR Talk as we examine universities’ response to the many due process and discrimination lawsuits that have resulted from Title IX abuse since the 2011 Dear Colleague standards came into play. Tune in @8pm Eastern
Opening video transcript:
Title IX: protecting women, or targeting men? | HBR Talk 45
Join us on the HBR Talk show as we look at the information discussed at the recent Title IX Research and Resources conference at Rowan University! Tune in @8pm Eastern!
Transcript for opening video
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Senator John McCain tweets presumption of guilt
On November 9, the Washington Post published a news article detailing Leigh Corfman’s allegation that in 1979, when she was 14 and he was 32, Alabama Republican Senatorial candidate Roy Moore, initiated a sexual encounter with her. The article went on to dramatize the accounts of other women who were young, but at or over the legal age of consent in Alabama when they had relationships with...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 66: Not Everything is connected to the Alt Right!
This time around I’m actually having difficulty pinning down a specific point of content. There were so many crazy things from this past week to talk about. However I did notice an overlying theme – the dreaded “Alt-Right”. Whether we are talking about NBC’s delusions about #GamerGate and Discord which Alison has talked about here and I’ve figured out the...
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