Join HBR Talk as we discuss Senator Joe Biden’s recent descent into #MeToo hell, the circumstances and implications, and the related history. Biden’s political legacy is quite relevant to the accusations he now faces. Tune in at 7pm Eastern to find out how.…
An Announcement
Imagine if, without your knowledge or consent, someone made a composite video of short clips of you acting edgy, mashed together to make it look like you were seriously involved in something reprehensible, and posted it for your friends and family to see.…
Damsel power | HBR Talk 65
Join the badgers as we examine a power almost unique to women; the ability to leverage accusations of sexual misconduct for big payouts and political influence – featuring Karen Straughan, Lauren B, and Hannah Wallen. Tune in @ 7PM EST.
Opening monologue transcript
Weaponizing women’s tears | HBR Talk 64
Join Karen Straughan, Lauren B, and Hannah Wallen on HBR Talk as we discuss the use of women’s tears as a weapon against male independence, men’s spaces, men’s pursuits, men’s interests… and masculinity in general.…
Title IX Update: Badgers discuss Betsy DeVos’s proposed policy changes | HBR Talk 62
Join the Badgers as we discuss several new due process protections with which Betsy DeVos wants to update Education Department policy on University handling of campus sexual misconduct allegations.
Opening monologue transcript
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Tolerance for malicious #MeToo victim-signalling is barbaric
Realize… many, many bad people are bad because they respond to facing adversity – real or perceived – by trying to forcibly transfer it to some unwilling, innocent person, a scapegoat, instead of using their strengths or confronting their weaknesses in order to overcome it.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 100! Confusing Interest with Consent? Fuck My Life…Wait Don’t!
This week my loving wife decided to bring a study we seemed to have overlooked to my attention. Now while it hasn’t really gained traction yet it seems that some people have already decided to talk about it this year. Now what does this study say for those who haven’t looked at the links?…
#MeToo and feminism’s fading credibility | HBR Talk 54
Join Anna Cherry and Hannah Wallen on HBR Talk as we discuss #MeToo in light of current events, and the impact of its deterioration on feminism’s credibility. Tune in @ 8PM EST!
Opening monologue transcript:
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Title IX and the #MeToo Liar’s game | HBR Talk 53
Tune in to HBR Talk for the final segment on Rowan University’s Title IX speaker, Laura Dunn, and her victim narrative, with reactions, analysis, and further discussion by Prim Reaper, Undercover badger Andrew, and host Hannah Wallen! Listen in @ 8PM
Opening video transcript:
Breaking the Narrative Episode 98: Broke? It Never Even Worked! The Violence Against Women Act’s Incompetence.
Merry Meet all….this article will not be one of jokes or of lightheartedness because the source material I will be using as an example for the core of my argument is rather somber. Whats more is I wish to say I don’t feel any one person in this dour event is particularly at fault so much as the combination systems and actions by the feminist ideologues that have done their damnedest...
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