Misandric narratives in feminism have traditionally sheltered behind and beneath more easily accepted narratives about female vulnerability and disadvantage. Meanwhile, society’s compassion for men is limited, and discussion about male vulnerability and disadvantage often falls on unreceptive ears.…
The truth about “women’s spaces” | HBR Talk 257
We’ve all heard about the bathroom issue. Like the kid’s book says, everybody poops.Obviously, this includes transwomen. Radfems and Traditionalist conservative women object to transwomen using women’s bathrooms that are open to the public.…
Which US citizen demographic does the FBI hate the most? | HBR Talk 256
The FBI has received quite a bit of criticism for its information-gathering methods. Between its own agents’ involvement at the planning level in several “conspiracies” they later busted and the public’s suspicion of false-flagging whenever a group appears in khaki and blue, it’s hard to view the agency with anything but an expectation of manipulation and entrapment.…
Feminists to advertisers: You’re doing it wrong! | HBR Talk 254
We’ve been told that feminism’s influence on society is a crazy conspiracy theory, that society is not gynocentric, women have no power, and now influence, and it’s only Patriarchy that affects how things are done in the world. Tonight at 7:30 PM EST on HBR Talk, we’re going to look at a marketing-industry article about why and how to squeeze more feminism into advertising to exercise a powerful...
The truth about feminists and due process | HBR Talk 253
Child custody is a hotly contended issue in many divorces, and the feminist grift has capitalized on that, raising funds for years to lobby against advancements in gender-equal parenting rights. Their lobbying method: Demonizing fathers as deadbeats and abusers.…
The truth about Men’s Rights, according to IFS | HBR Talk 251
The men’s rights movement is a very serious problem, according to the Institute of Family Studies… very serious indeed. Writer Ari David Blaff explains following an in-depth investigation into the issues our movement exists to address, and the variety of organizations involved in addressing them, and our differing methods.…
Secret agenda behind feminists’ letter to congress | HBR Talk 251
Last week we highlighted the fact that this letter makes feminists look incompetent by stepping over a century of legislative change resulting from pressure campaigns from women’s groups. As we looked ahead at the issues under discussion, we noticed that many of the issues on the list are things that affect both sexes and some affect men more frequently than they do women.…
We have to talk about “male violence.” | An HBR Production
During the media coverage of the very public defamation suit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard over her allegations of domestic violence, men’s advocates watched many people wake up to the fact that the subject is not a set of neat and tidy narratives, tied up in a little dogma, polarized and unchanging for the public to view as a single problem, whose solution entails a single approach.…
What does their letter to Congress expose about Feminist organizations? | HBR Talk 249
We’ve been reading this letter for a few weeks now, and we’re noticing a pattern. We’ve mentioned it in a couple of episodes, but it’s becoming more clear as we delve further into this letter. Tune in Thursday, February 23 at 7:30 PM EST to see if you notice what we have seen.…
Feminists to US Congress: Women’s issues? You’re doing it wrong! | HBR Talk 248
Continuing on with feminists’ demands for the US Congress… How far into the letter can the badgers get this week before the ranting starts?The readings will continue until morals improve! Tune in Thursday night at 7:30PM EST! Check out the dropdown menu at the top of ;
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