Feminism’s “wage gap” woozle is the monster that will not die. Every time it is slain by the great intellectual weaponry of fact, logic, and reason, feminists engage in spectacular mental gymnastics to revive the heaving, seizing beast. They want to blame The Patriarchy™ for women’s life choices.…
Two things experienced by over 1/3 of Kenyan men | HBR Talk 277
We’ve discussed this topic quite a bit in regard to western countries and India. We’re told by feminists that female-perpetrated DV is rare and mostly harmless, and even more so everywhere else. What does the 2022 Kenua Demographic and Health Survey have to say about it?…
Men aren’t romantic? Patriarchy! | HBR Talk 276
Feminists spent decades demanding that men learn to leave women alone. Now that men are doing that, they’re complaining. Of course. And whose fault is that?Tune in Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 7PM to hear us discuss an article by the Guardian’s resident feminist writer, Arwa Mahdawi, explaining exactly who she thinks is to blame.…
Toxic masculinity? Liberal woman explains what she REALLY wants from men | HBR Talk 274
Feminists attribute all of their criticisms of male behavior to the phenomenon of men trying to live up to traditional gender roles and norms they’ve labeled “toxic masculinity.” These roles and norms, which they refer to as “patriarchal” in the patriarchy conjecture they call “theory,” are allegedly enforced by social pressure from, according to feminists, other men.…
How to not help men recover from female-perpetrated abuse | HBR Talk 273
What, according to psychology’s new feminist outlook, is the single most important factor in helping abused men recover from their trauma? Hint: It’s not their personal welfare. Tune in Thursday, August 3rd, 2023 at 7PM to hear us examine an article on this topic from establishment media publication Psychology Today.…
Punished for sticking to the truth | HBR Talk 271
Perverting the course of justice is a crime when you do it, but what about when the wrongdoing is by those tasked with turning its wheels and keeping it on track? Ask Andrew Malkinso, who was convicted and sentenced for a crime committed by another man.…
“I’m the victim!” she cries, as she stabs you again | HBR Talk 270
Did you ever notice how women, who often claim to hate cancel culture, are just as often its primary drivers? One cause might be the massive double standard in how men, vs women, are expected to accept restrictive rules and take criticism from others.…
This script didn’t flip itself! | HBR Talk 268
It’s not a new article, but it is one that is important to discuss. The standard that has been set by women’s advocates during their last 70 years of activism in regard to sexual relationships and sexual misconduct holds that a woman cannot rightfully consent to a relationship when her would-be partner has authority and power over her.…
What does that research really say? | HBR Talk 266
Last week we read an article by Salma Mahmoud discussing so-called “Incel Complex,” exploring her claims with Incel Project creator Naama Kates. The article did not accurately report on the research, beginning with its main claim that a psychological complex has been defined and is being explored for treatment options.…
The Civil Right Feminists Hate the Most | HBR Talk 261
Written into the United States Constitution are some very important protections against false conviction and false imprisonment. There are solid reasons for this, beginning with your rights, as described in the Declaration of Independence, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.…
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