How severe is the accountability gap in reproductive choice? One sex has rights, but the other only has responsibilities. Tune in Thursday, February 15, 2024 as the badgers discuss a series of talking points on this set of issues, or find other listening and viewing options in the dropdown menu at the top of this page.…
One feminist narrative debunked by women’s voices | HBR Talk 293
When men’s advocates discuss either male experiences of sexual violence, or the subject of false allegations, we’re often answered with claims that sexual violence is a highly prevalent set of crimes that are disproportionately perpetrated by men.…
Do feminists always project? HBR Talk 292
Feminists like to accuse men in general, especially men in the men’s rights movement, of basing their values and intentions on controlling & violent impulses & ideology. In the past, when MRAs have documented evidence of female behavior that constitutes a serious men’s issue, feminists have accused those maintaining the documentation of stalking, harassment, and threatening women just for...
Women can’t even avoid this as members of the UK parliament | HBR Talk 291
We often discuss the ridiculousness of the progressive stack, the way feminism defines all women as victims, all men as predatory, a privileged perpetrator class, and all of society as a rube-goldberg domination device in which men oppress women en masse and individually, regardless of the facts.…
Do Flood’s claims about MRAs and DV hold water? | HBR Talk 290
In evaluating Michael Flood’s army of strawman arguments, we’ve run into a consistent problem with his answers. He seems to think Australia is representative of the world. This week, we’re going to examine his arguments about domestic violence, and look at another data set for comparison.…
Feminism: Two centuries of failure? | HBR Talk 287
Over the last few shows, we’ve been evaluating a post written by Michael Flood, which he claims debunks everything we say about men’s issues. As we’ve gone through his strawman arguments and obfuscation, we have yet to detect any real substance, but something is becoming evident about feminism.…
What must he think of his readers? | HBR Talk 286
Over the last few shows, we’ve been evaluating a post written by Michael Flood, which he claims debunks everything we say about men’s issues. As we’ve gone through his claims, it has become increasingly obvious that he has tactics (strawman arguments and obfuscation) but no substance.…
Why do feminists do this? | HBR Talk 285
On social media, the term “fact check” has gotten a bad name due to its bad faith use by woke elitists who often imply that articles containing irrelevant or unrelated claims were written to correct factual information that is being passed around. As we began reading feminist spokesperson Michael Flood’s page on “fact-checking MRAs,” it became apparent that he has taken a page from their book...
A herd of ugly wild gishes galloping free across the webs? | HBR Talk 284
You know how much we just love male feminists here at HBR, especially the one who use the cult to make a career for themselves out of browbeating other men. We’re looking at you, professor. No, I’m not capitalizing your choice to make a lot of claims about MRAs and our work, by going through and ripping them apart.…
Emotional labor shortage crisis? | HBR Talk 282
Feminism’s “wage gap” woozle is the monster that will not die. Every time it is slain by the great intellectual weaponry of fact, logic, and reason, feminists engage in spectacular mental gymnastics to revive the heaving, seizing beast. They want to blame The Patriarchy™ for women’s life choices.…
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