Tagdouble standards

A Poor Lob For Gender Pay Equality


A lob is a tennis term for a ball hit high in the air, often done as a defensive maneuver, to allow the player to move to a better position while forcing the opposing player into a weak position. Recent issues in the Tennis world erupted when Raymond Moore, the tournament director of the BNP Paribas Open, stated that he felt that female tennis players were lucky and owed their status as players...

Selective equality


Recently, there’s been quite a stir in Spain regarding work-life balance. We all know the drill: the idea that working should be compatible with taking care of children. Banishing the idea that the mother is the one who should take care of the children, while the father works.…

The Woman of the Future – Polishing the Past


A few weeks ago, I published the translation of an excellent post by Spanish blogger El Tivípata, telling the sad story of Aurora Rodríguez Carballeira and her daughter Hildegart. It caused quite a reaction, probably due to the fact that a feminist woman obsessed with women’s oppression sculpted her daughter to be the solution for that, and when she started drifting from the path her mother had...

Check Your YouTube Privilege


Fairly recently, BriaAndChrissy, Jaclyn Glenn, and Olga Kay, put a video up talking about how they feel disrespected online because they are sexualized by commenters. They dislike how some people online treat them as sexual objects and don’t discuss their points.…

Soggy knees!


Damseling intensifies over Trump’s failure to venerate women.
Response to two recent stories coming out of the Trump campaign give an interesting look at how egalitarian statements from a candidate can clash with the public’s gynocentrism.…

Spain gender laws: A country against men.


For this article, I will try to add as much sources in English as possible. However, most of the info is only available in Spanish, so you’ll have to use Google translator if you want to check them properly. Some of the links will be to videos in Spanish; I don’t know a possible solution for those, but I have not found a sub version.…

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