Well then it seems that Ms. Amelia Cook is at it again finally, perhaps this will quench my anime bloodlust. Today I found upon her site a review of a new show called Frame Arms Girl. As of this writing the show is on its second episode and will be on its third soon after the release of this article.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 42: In Lieu of a Question, The Mary Sue Has an Answer?!”
I was planning on debunking some more AniFem bullshit but to my chagrin it seems Ameila Cook is… pretty damn lazy. So to go for something more recent, I searched something from this month concerning feminism and anime. What I got was… Marykate Jasper of The Mary Sue pushing something that I roundly debunked about a year ago before I started this particular feature series.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 40: A Link to the Future! A Legend About Compassion for Men?
Last week I tore apart Sarkeesian’s arguement about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This week I’m going to go into a potential reason why she did it. My hypothesis is if either she or McIntosh did play enough of it, the narrative it puts forward by the game centers around compassion for one’s fellow human beings… or in this case Hylians.…
Breaking the Narrative Episode 38: Of Rebuilds and Rebirths! Lilith is a Feminist!
Alright, here we go back into the fray! Last time on Breaking the Narrative we were dealing with Freudian stereotypes, cult masturbation and exploding economies! In other words, another day in the life of feminist power politics. No surprise here.…
Letter to the Badgers on sexual assault against disabled males
By Peter Wright Excerpt from the 3-part series, “A male-centered approach to disability.” Disabled males are four times more likely than nondisabled men to be sexually assaulted or raped.[3] The researchers of that study found that more than 5 percent of disabled men reported experiencing sexual assault during the past year, about equal to sexual assaults against disabled women...
Breaking the Narrative Episode 37: Third Impact! Anime Feminism Evangelist!
Why did I decide to do this one? Oh right, its more recent and I can’t just defend things I like all the time, it makes me sloppy. If you are an avid anime fan I think you can tell that I’m defending Neon Genesis Evangelion. As you can probably tell from my tone I don’t like this series. …
Valar morghulis: Investigations into violence and nudity in the HBO television adaptation of G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, Seasons 1-6 (Spoilers, duh..) p12
By SirSkeptic
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Valar morghulis: Investigations into violence and nudity in the HBO television adaptation of G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, Seasons 1-6 (Spoilers, duh..) p11
By SirSkeptic
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Valar morghulis: Investigations into violence and nudity in the HBO television adaptation of G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, Seasons 1-6 (Spoilers, duh..) p10
By SirSkeptic
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Valar morghulis: Investigations into violence and nudity in the HBO television adaptation of G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones, Seasons 1-6 (Spoilers, duh..) p9
By SirSkeptic
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