Tagdouble standards

American Men Give Up On College While Afgani Women Get Gender Studies | HBR Society 1


Here we go again with another new show. God knows how many of these we will do before we do this again. On today’s show we will look at two articles that are related in ways you might not find obvious. One from the Wall Street Journal that talks about how men are feeling lost and purposeless in modern society, and one from the Spectator that talks about how hundreds of millions of dollars...

Laura Bates VS The Incels Part 2: The Lifetime Cinematic Universe | HBR Debate 64


Join us on HBR Debate as we continue our harrowing journey through a video from Britain’s “This Morning” show where feminist author Laura Bates explains how “incels” are a misogynistic, far-right, racist death cult because they are lonely and she would never lie about any groups that are composed of mostly young men frustrated by the state of their society, right...

Laura Bates VS The Incels: A Very Dramatic Story Worthy of the Oxygen Network | HBR Debate 63


Join us on HBR Debate as we go through a video from Britain’s “This Morning” show where feminist author Laura Bates explains how “incels” are a misogynistic, far-right, racist death cult because they are lonely and she would never lie about any groups that are composed of mostly young men frustrated by the state of their society, right?…

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