Tagdouble standards

Is this Men’s Rights? Wearing Skirts for Equality, Feds Raid Project Veritas, Media Dead Last!


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we discuss the Loudon County rape case and bring in the latest facts that might complicate the story, the Scottish primary school that is asking boys to wear skirts for equality, Project Veritas employees had their homes raided by the FBI, and more!…

Responding to Chloe Roma’s Video About Why Women Fear Men With Vernon Meigs | Brian’s Badger Lodge


Join us on the Badger Lodge as we take a look at a recent video released by one of the most popular YouTubers on the subject of “Men’s Issues” Chloe Roma. Chloe is a youtuber with over half a million subs who mainly talks about “double standards” in the dating sphere and the ways that women can be abusive to men.…

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