Tagdouble standards

Speaking With Tolkien Lore Enthusiasts on the Culture War That Has Come For Them | Fireside Chat 202


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guests as we discuss the issues faced by Tolkien lore enthusiasts on YouTube and other social media spaces as a product of being caught up in the culture war. Can one remain neutral on the position of whether or not the new Amazon series The Rings of Power or should they speak out?…

Call In Show! The Fight For Men’s Rights or the Fight for Men’s Identity? | Brian’s Badger Lodge


Join us on the Badger Lodge Call In Show where I will give YOU the mic and ask that you respond to a video! This time we will be looking at an article by the men’s rights website called newsofx to respond to an article from long time men’s advocate Allan Lee Millard entitled “Misandry is not to be disguised as a form of Masculinity” where he seems to argue that in...

Let’s examine this hidden detail in Australia’s family violence response training | HBR Talk 211


If you listen to feminists discuss the issue of intimate partner and sexual violence, you’ll get a very polarized view. In discussing female complainants who describe experiencing this type of violence, you’d be advised that “victims have a right to be believed,” and admonished that “their victimization is never their fault.”…

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