Tagdouble standards

Scotland to Make Misogyny Illegal, Canada Passes Bill-67, Sexy Summer Camp! | HBR News 347


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about some follow up stories regarding Jussie Smollett and Ma’Khia Bryant. Scotland is entertaining the notion of making misogyny a hate crime, Ontario passed a bill called the Racial Equity in the Education System Act, the Sexy Sex Ed summer camp run by feminists(groomers), and more!…

Jeff Younger Runs For Office, Marylin Manson Sues Evan Rachel Wood | HBR News 347


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about estranged father Jeff Younger’s run for political office to protect children from transition, Marylin Manson sues Evan Rachel Wood for defamation, the Ukraine is declaring trans women are actually men so they can force them to fight Russia, and more!…

Speaking With Brendan Marotta on the Use of Critical Theory to Protect Children | Fireside Chat 203


Join us on the Fireside Chat with special guest Brendan Marotta regarding his newest book Children’s Justice. In Children’s Justice, Marotta builds the case for using Left wing tactics and tools to end male genital mutilation. Chiefly among these is the idea of using Critical Theory and Social Justice to appeal to institutions and hopefully put the discussion of children’s...

Former Miss Great Britain can’t find a man, lets take a look at why | Dating Advice


Join us on today’s show as we look at and discuss a Daily Mail piece about April Banbury, the former Ms. Great Britain of 2020. She has a dilemma; despite being a beauty queen who is among the top 1% of women in terms of desirability, she is doing well with men in terms of sex and dating, but not so well in terms of commitment.…

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