Tagdomestic violence

Feminism’s fake news


The Huffington post recently decided to resurrect the story of John and Lorena Bobbitt. There doesn’t seem to be any compelling reason for this resurrection. Nothing new has recently occurred in the twenty-three-year-old case. Nothing remarkable has recently happened to either of the individuals involved in it.…

Suffolk County Police Department Side-Stepping Sexist Norms Regarding Treatment of Domestic Violence


by Siobhan H Men and those in LGBT relationships suffering abuse in Suffolk County, New York may have a better chance at getting the help they need thanks to the Domestic Violence Bureau headed by Sergeant Kelly Lynch at the SCPD. I held a short interview over the phone with Sergeant Lynch to see how those at Suffolk County Police Department handled domestic violence cases, both as first...

The henpecked husband


The following article is an English translation of an original article by El Tivípata, a Spanish blogger specialized in antifeminism. Originally published on 27th May 2015. Published with his explicit permission. Link to the original in Spanish:

Honey Badger Hangout: Anita you so cray!


Shout outs Permutation of Ninjas is asking us all to email RAINN on March 15th to change their definition of rape to include the majority of male victims. RAINN currently uses a definition of rape that excludes most male rape victims—in particular male victims of female rapists—RAINN then promotes statistics based on this definition, minimizing the extent and scope of sexual victimization of men...

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